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As a leading hot air balloon company, Global Ballooning Australia is committed to minimise the impact of our operations on the environment.
Environmental Statement
We buy and employ locally, recycle and support our community – this is our commitment to our business and the communities we do business in sustainably.
Our goal is to operate in an ecologically sustainable manner by minimising our impact on the environment by reducing waste and the use of energy and resources.
To do so, we:
- Identify, strive and promote to achieve best environmental practice in our management systems and operations;
- Provide an environmentally sound workplace, and progressively implement a range of environmentally sound work practices;
- Work closely with our employees, contractors, suppliers, clients and other stakeholders to develop and implement agreed environmental initiatives consistent with this policy;
- Explore opportunities for improved environmental awareness within our relationships with stakeholders.
Current Initiatives
✓ Carbon Offsets
We have partnered with Greenfleet, Australia’s most trusted source of biodiverse carbon offsets, to offset the emissions from our fleet. Every year, we calculate the amount of greenhouse gases generated by our operations fleet and Greenfleet plants enough native trees in Australia to capture our emissions.
As they grow, these trees form permanent forests which do much more than sequester carbon. Greenfleet’s forests re-build vital habitat for native wildlife, improve water quality in catchments, prevent soil erosion and salinity, and safeguard Australia’s unique biodiversity.
We are proud to be the first and only Victorian hot air ballooning operator to publicly commit to offsetting our greenhouse gas emissions by partnering with Greenfleet, Australia’s first biodiverse carbon offset provider. We are taking on a leadership role in an area where we can make a difference and set an example to our industry.
✓ Electricity usage
At Global Ballooning Australia, we are committed to sustainability and reducing our environmental impact. To help achieve this, our office lighting is fitted with energy-efficient devices, significantly reducing our electricity usage. We also have solar panels installed, which help offset our energy consumption by harnessing renewable solar power. Additionally, we proudly purchase 100% Origin Green Power, supporting renewable energy projects across Australia. Through these initiatives, we aim to contribute to a cleaner, greener future while operating in an environmentally responsible manner.
✓ Environmental Practices
At Global Ballooning Australia, we are committed to sustainable practices in all aspects of our operations. Our office implements a recycling system where all scrap paper is reused for one-sided printing and then recycled.
We prioritise paperless communication, with all gift vouchers and booking confirmations being sent via email, eliminating the need for printing or posting.
To further minimise our environmental impact, our pilots actively seek alternative launch and landing sites to reduce the strain on parkland. We maintain a positive relationship with Parks Victoria and our Yarra Valley landowners to ensure the ongoing quality and preservation of parkland. Additionally, no food or drink is permitted during flights, which helps eliminate waste throughout the duration of the tour.
Global Ballooning Australia is dedicated to immediate action to restore any damage caused during balloon launches or landings, ensuring that the integrity of the environment is maintained.
✓ Procurement and Operational Practices
We carefully assess all procurement needs. Our promotional materials and stationery are printed on recycled paper, reflecting our commitment to reducing environmental impact.
For balloon cleaning, we use tank water, which is directed onto farmland, ensuring minimal environmental disruption. High-pressure washers are employed to optimise water usage during the cleaning process.
We use 100% liquid propane, which burns cleaner than the more commonly used LPG butane mix, reducing emissions.
Our daily flights are limited to a one-hour duration, resulting in a low level of emissions.
Additionally, our crew vehicles are powered by diesel rather than petrol, further reducing our environmental footprint.
✓ Community Engagement
Significant importance is placed on supporting the communities in which we operate. We believe that the strength of our partnerships directly contributes to the success of the regions we serve.
Since 1992, we have actively worked to build our community presence and brand, continuously engaging with the areas over which we fly.
Here are some of the ways we support our local communities:
- Donating to local schools and emergency services
- Volunteering at community events by tethering a balloon
- Promoting the importance of providing accessible experiences through public speaking
- Partnering with Greenfleet to support environmental initiatives
- Supporting local businesses through partnership packages and donations
- Providing employment opportunities to locals
In addition to promoting the unique experience of hot air ballooning, we are dedicated to showcasing the beauty and appeal of the regions we operate in, including Melbourne, the Yarra Valley, and Mansfield, as prime destinations for visitors.
Our Commitment
The Global team are dedicated to continuously improving our operations to minimise our impact on climate change.
Our goal is to strengthen our environmental initiatives and deepen our partnership with the environmental not-for-profit organisation, Greenfleet. Through this collaboration, we extend Greenfleet’s commitment to sustainability by offering our passengers the opportunity to offset the carbon emissions from their hot air balloon flight at the time of booking.
An average hot air balloon flight generates 378.1 kg of greenhouse gases. By choosing to donate to Greenfleet, passengers actively contribute to climate action, helping restore Australian landscapes through the planting of sustainable, native forests.
We are also exploring the following opportunities to further reduce our environmental footprint:
- Reducing paper, electricity, and water consumption.
- Participating in tree planting initiatives and continuing our efforts to offset our carbon footprint in partnership with Greenfleet.